Companion Planting: 600+ best and worst plants to accomplish together

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on companion planting, a gardening technique that harnesses the power of plant relationships to optimize garden health and yield. In this in-depth exploration, we’ll delve into the principles, benefits, and practical applications of companion planting, equipping you with the knowledge and skills to create a thriving garden ecosystem. Let’s dive in!

Companion planting is an age-old gardening practice that involves strategically placing different plants near each other to create a mutually beneficial environment. It’s like inviting good neighbors over to your garden party! Just like good neighbors, companion plants can benefit each other in a number of ways, including:

  • Pest control: Certain plants, like marigolds and nasturtiums, deter pests with their strong scents or by attracting beneficial insects like ladybugs that prey on harmful ones.
  • Pollination: Fragrant flowers can attract pollinators like bees and butterflies, which help to improve the fruit set of your vegetables.
  • Providing shade: Taller plants can provide much-needed shade for heat-sensitive vegetables.
  • Improving soil fertility: Nitrogen-fixing legumes, like beans and peas, can add nitrogen to the soil, which benefits other plants.
  • Supporting plant growth: Some plants, like corn, can provide support for vining plants like beans.

Getting Started with Companion Planting

Companion planting can seem complex at first, but it’s actually quite easy to get started. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Research your plants: Not all plants are good companions for each other. Some plants can actually inhibit the growth of others. Before you start planting, take some time to research which plants grow well together. There are many resources available online and in libraries to help you get started, including companion planting charts and guides.
  • Consider your garden layout: When planning your garden, think about where you will plant each type of vegetable and flower. Try to group companion plants nearby for maximum benefit.
  • Don’t overcrowd your plants: Make sure to give your plants plenty of space to grow. Overcrowding can lead to competition for light, nutrients, and water.

Companion Planting Chart for Vegetables, Fruits, and Plants

companian plantation

It’s important to note that companion planting information can vary by region and specific plant varieties. For a more comprehensive list, refer to the local resources. Here is a companion planting chart for some common vegetables:

Vegetable/Fruit/PlantBest Companion PlantsWorst Companion Plants
BasilTomatoes, peppers, oreganoPotatoes, fennel
Beans (Bush)Corn, strawberries, potatoesOnions, garlic
Beans (Pole)Corn, sunflowers, cucumbersPotatoes, beets
BeetsOnions, lettuce, spinachTomatoes, potatoes
BroccoliCarrots, onions, dillStrawberries
CabbageCelery, beets, dillTomatoes, strawberries
CarrotsOnions, lettuce, beansPotatoes, tomatoes
CeleryCabbage, beans, leeksPotatoes, fennel
CornBeans (Bush), melons, squashTomatoes, potatoes
CucumbersDill, beans (Bush), peasPotatoes, melons
EggplantPeppers, beansPotatoes, tomatoes
LettuceCarrots, radishes, beetsTomatoes, potatoes
MelonsCorn, beans (Bush), sunflowersPotatoes
OnionsBeets, carrots, lettucePeas, beans (Bush)
PeasCarrots, lettuce, radishesOnions, garlic
PeppersBasil, eggplant, tomatoesPotatoes
PotatoesCorn, beans (Bush)Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant
RadishesLettuce, spinach, beansPotatoes
SpinachStrawberries, lettuce, radishesPotatoes
SquashCorn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
ArtichokeMarigolds, thyme, lavenderPotatoes, fennel
AsparagusTomatoes, lettuce, basilPotatoes, beans
Bok ChoyBeets, onions, lettuceStrawberries
Brussels SproutsRosemary, thyme, marigoldsPotatoes, tomatoes
Cantaloupe (Muskmelon)Corn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
CauliflowerOnions, beets, celeryStrawberries
ChardOnions, beans, beetsPotatoes
ChivesCarrots, tomatoes, lettucePeas
CilantroLettuce, tomatoes, onionsFennel
Collard GreensBeets, peppers, onionsPotatoes
GarlicBeets, carrots, lettucePeas, beans
Herbs (General)Most vegetables (except some beans)
KaleBeets, onions, celeryPotatoes
KohlrabiBeets, onions, lettucePotatoes
LeeksCarrots, beets, strawberriesPotatoes
OkraCorn, beans (Bush), basilPotatoes
ParsleyTomatoes, carrots, beetsFennel
ParsnipsCabbage, lettuce, tomatoesPotatoes
Peas (Snap)Carrots, lettuce, radishesOnions, garlic
PumpkinsCorn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
RutabagaBeets, onions, lettucePotatoes
ShallotsBeets, carrots, lettucePeas
Snow PeasCarrots, lettuce, radishesOnions, garlic
Swiss ChardBeets, onions, lettucePotatoes
Sweet CornBeans (Bush), melons, squashTomatoes, potatoes
Sweet PotatoesBeans (Bush), marigoldsPotatoes
Swiss ChardOnions, beans, beetsPotatoes
TarragonTomatoes, peppers, lettuceFennel
ThymeMost vegetables (except some beans)
TomatoesBasil, carrots, onionsPotatoes, peppers, eggplant
TurnipsBeets, onions, lettucePotatoes
WatermelonsCorn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
Winter SquashCorn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
ZucchiniCorn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
ArugulaRadishes, lettuce, strawberriesFennel
Eggplant (dwarf varieties)Peppers, marigolds, alyssumPotatoes, tomatoes
Fennel (bulb)Beets, carrots, lettuceTomatoes, potatoes
Fennel (herb)Most vegetables (due to strong scent)
GrapesBeans, peas, certain herbs (thyme, rosemary)Tomatoes
Leeks (late season)Strawberries, spinachPotatoes
Lettuce (heading)Radishes, carrots, beetsPotatoes
Lettuce (leaf)Beets, carrots, radishesPotatoes
MarigoldsMost vegetables (deters pests)
NasturtiumsMost vegetables (deters pests)
OreganoTomatoes, beans, peppersPotatoes
PeanutsCorn, beans (Bush)Potatoes
Radishes (summer)Beans (Bush), lettuce, spinachPotatoes
RaspberriesGrapes, certain herbs (mint)Tomatoes, nightshades
RosemaryBeans, cabbage, carrotsPotatoes
SageCarrots, cabbage, onionsCucumbers, melons
StrawberriesSpinach, lettuce, garlicPotatoes, peppers
SunflowersCorn, beans (Bush), cucumbersPotatoes
Swiss Chard (early season)Peas, radishes, lettucePotatoes
Tomatoes (cherry)Basil, marigolds, alyssumPotatoes, peppers (except cherry)
WatercressLettuce, spinach, radishesPotatoes
WheatLegumes (beans, peas)Most vegetables
Arugula (late season)Spinach, beets, lettuceFennel
BlackberryComfrey, certain herbs (chamomile)Nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant)
BlueberryAzaleas, rhododendrons (acid-loving plants)Most vegetables
Chinese Cabbage (Bok Choy)Onions, leeks, celeryStrawberries
DillCucumbers, beans (Bush), lettuceFennel
HorseradishBeets, potatoes, beansTomatoes
Leeks (early season)Carrots, beets, cabbagePotatoes
MintMost vegetables (due to invasive growth)
Mustard GreensBeets, radishes, lettucePotatoes
Pumpkins (winter squash)Corn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
Rutabaga (swede)Beets, onions, lettucePotatoes
Shallots (early season)Strawberries, spinachPeas
SorrelBeets, strawberries, lettucePotatoes
Spinach (Asian greens)Radishes, lettuce, mustard greensPotatoes
Strawberries (everbearing)Garlic, chives, lettucePotatoes, peppers
Thyme (creeping)Most vegetables (deters pests)
Turnips (greens)Radishes, beets, lettucePotatoes
Watermelons (seedless)Corn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
Winter SavoryBeans, cabbage, onionsPotatoes
Leeks (summer)Carrots, beets, celeryPotatoes
Kohlrabi (early season)Radishes, lettuce, spinachPotatoes
Delicata SquashCorn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
Garlic ChivesTomatoes, strawberries, lettuceFennel

Here are some additional tips for companion planting:

companian plantation
  • Use herbs as companion plants: Many herbs are excellent companion plants that can deter pests and improve the flavor of your vegetables. For example, basil is a great companion plant for tomatoes, while dill is a good companion plant for cucumbers.
  • Interplant flowers with your vegetables: Not only will flowers add beauty to your garden, but they can also attract pollinators and beneficial insects. Good flowering companions for vegetables include marigolds, nasturtiums, and cosmos.
  • Use cover crops: Cover crops are plants that are grown to improve soil fertility and suppress weeds. They can also be beneficial companion plants for vegetables. A good cover crop to use in your vegetable garden is ryegrass.
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Benefits of Companion Planting

There are many benefits to companion planting, including:

  • Increased yields: Companion planting can help to increase the yields of your vegetables.
  • Improved pest control: Companion planting can help to reduce pest problems in your garden.
  • Better soil health: Companion planting can help to improve the health of your soil.
  • More attractive garden: Companion planting can create a more beautiful and diverse garden.

Examples of Companion Planting

Here are some examples of companion planting:

  • Tomatoes and basil: Basil is a classic companion plant for tomatoes. It is thought to improve the flavor of tomatoes and deter pests.
  • Beans and corn: Beans are nitrogen-fixing legumes that can help to improve the soil fertility for corn. Corn can also provide support for climbing bean plants.
  • Cucumbers and dill: Dill is thought to improve the flavor of cucumbers and deter pests.
  • Onions and carrots: Onions are thought to help to deter carrot flies, which are a common pest of carrots.
  • Lettuce and spinach: Lettuce and spinach can be planted together as a companion planting because they have different growing requirements. Lettuce prefers cooler weather, while spinach prefers warmer weather. So, you can plant lettuce in the early spring and spinach in the late fall.

Companion Planting for Beginners

If you’re new to companion planting, here are a few tips to get you started:

  • Start small: Don’t try to companion plant all of your vegetables at once. Start with a few plants that you know are good companions for each other.
  • Focus on pest control: A good place to start with companion planting is to focus on using plants that can help deter pests. 
  • Use trap crops: Trap crops are plants that are deliberately planted to attract pests away from your main crops. For example, you could plant nasturtiums around your tomatoes to attract aphids, which will leave your tomatoes alone.
  • Choose easy-to-care-for companion plants: When you’re first starting out, it’s a good idea to choose companion plants that are easy to care for. Some good choices include herbs, flowers, and cover crops.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment: Companion planting is an art as much as a science. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. The best way to learn what works in your garden is to experiment with different companion plants.
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Things to Consider When Companion Planting

There are a few things to keep in mind when companion planting:

  • Not all companion planting information is created equal: There is a lot of information available about companion planting, but not all of it is reliable. It’s important to do your research and choose your sources carefully.
  • Some companion planting benefits are not scientifically proven: While there is some scientific evidence to support the benefits of companion planting, not all of the traditional claims have been proven. However, many gardeners swear by companion planting and find that it improves the health and productivity of their gardens.
  • Companion planting is not a substitute for good gardening practices: Companion planting is a great way to improve your garden, but it’s not a substitute for good gardening practices. Make sure to provide your plants with the sunlight, water, and nutrients they need to thrive.

Understanding Companion Planting

Companion planting is the practice of strategically planting different crops together to enhance their growth, repel pests, attract beneficial insects, and improve overall garden health. By harnessing the natural relationships between plants, gardeners can create symbiotic ecosystems that promote biodiversity and resilience.

Principles of Companion Planting

  1. Plant Compatibility: Not all plants make good companions. Some plants have mutually beneficial relationships, while others may compete for resources or attract pests. Understanding plant compatibility is essential for successful companion planting.
  2. Pest Repellent Plants: Certain plants emit natural compounds or fragrances that repel pests, helping to protect neighbouring plants from insect damage. By interplanting pest-repellent plants with susceptible crops, gardeners can reduce the need for chemical pesticides.
  3. Beneficial Insect Attractors: Some plants attract beneficial insects such as pollinators, predators, and parasitoids that help control pests and pollinate flowers. By incorporating these plants into the garden, gardeners can support a diverse ecosystem of beneficial insects.
  4. Nutrient Accumulators: Certain plants have deep roots or nutrient-absorbing qualities that help draw up nutrients from the soil and make them available to neighbouring plants. By interplanting nutrient-accumulators with heavy-feeding crops, gardeners can improve soil fertility and nutrient cycling.
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Practical Applications of Companion Planting

Now that we’ve explored the principles of companion planting, let’s discuss practical strategies and plant combinations for maximizing garden health and yield:

  1. Three Sisters Garden: The traditional Native American “Three Sisters” planting technique combines corn, beans, and squash in a mutually beneficial arrangement. The corn provides support for the beans, which fix nitrogen in the soil, while the squash acts as a living mulch, suppressing weeds and conserving moisture.
  2. Pest-Repellent Herbs: Planting fragrant herbs such as basil, mint, and rosemary alongside susceptible crops can help repel pests like aphids, cabbage moths, and tomato hornworms. These herbs not only deter pests but also add culinary value to the garden.
  3. Trap Crops: Some plants are particularly attractive to certain pests, acting as “trap crops” that draw pests away from valuable crops. For example, planting radishes or nasturtiums near susceptible crops like brassicas can attract flea beetles away from cabbage and broccoli.
  4. Companion Flowers: Interspersing flowering plants such as marigolds, calendula, and cosmos throughout the garden can attract pollinators and beneficial insects, helping to enhance pollination and pest control while adding beauty to the landscape.
  5. Succession Planting: Planning successive plantings of compatible crops throughout the growing season can maximize space and yield in the garden. For example, planting quick-growing crops like radishes or lettuce between rows of slower-growing plants like tomatoes or peppers can optimize space and harvests.


What is companion planting, and how does it work?

What are some common companion planting combinations?

How do I know which plants make good companions?

Can companion planting reduce the need for chemical pesticides?

Are there any plants that should not be planted together?

Can companion planting improve soil health?

How do I get started with companion planting?

Can I companion plant in containers or raised beds?

Are there any drawbacks to companion planting?

Where can I find more information about companion planting?


Companion planting is a fun and rewarding way to improve your garden. By following the tips in this guide, you can get started with companion planting and enjoy the many benefits it has to offer.

chilli, lavender, red

Companion planting is a time-tested gardening technique that offers numerous benefits for gardeners and the environment alike. By strategically pairing plants based on their natural affinities and beneficial interactions, gardeners can create resilient ecosystems that promote biodiversity, improve soil health, and enhance overall garden productivity. With the knowledge and insights gained from this guide, you’re well-equipped to embark on your journey and reap the rewards of a thriving and abundant garden.

List of 600+ plants: companion planting: what to plant together and companion planting: what not to plant together

Vegetable/Fruit/PlantBest Companion PlantsWorst Companion Plants
Companion for BasilTomatoes, peppers, oreganoPotatoes, fennel
Companion for Beans (Bush)Corn, strawberries, potatoesOnions, garlic
Companion for Beans (Pole)Corn, sunflowers, cucumbersPotatoes, beets
Companion for BeetsOnions, lettuce, spinachTomatoes, potatoes
Companion for BroccoliCarrots, onions, dillStrawberries
Companion for CabbageCelery, beets, dillTomatoes, strawberries
Companion for CarrotsOnions, lettuce, beansPotatoes, tomatoes
Companion for CeleryCabbage, beans, leeksPotatoes, fennel
Companion for CornBeans (Bush), melons, squashTomatoes, potatoes
Companion for CucumbersDill, beans (Bush), peasPotatoes, melons
Companion for EggplantPeppers, beansPotatoes, tomatoes
Companion for LettuceCarrots, radishes, beetsTomatoes, potatoes
Companion for MelonsCorn, beans (Bush), sunflowersPotatoes
Companion for OnionsBeets, carrots, lettucePeas, beans (Bush)
Companion for PeasCarrots, lettuce, radishesOnions, garlic
Companion for PeppersBasil, eggplant, tomatoesPotatoes
Companion for PotatoesCorn, beans (Bush)Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant
Companion for RadishesLettuce, spinach, beansPotatoes
Companion for SpinachStrawberries, lettuce, radishesPotatoes
Companion for SquashCorn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
Companion for ArtichokeMarigolds, thyme, lavenderPotatoes, fennel
Companion for AsparagusTomatoes, lettuce, basilPotatoes, beans
Companion for Bok ChoyBeets, onions, lettuceStrawberries
Companion for Brussels SproutsRosemary, thyme, marigoldsPotatoes, tomatoes
Companion for Cantaloupe (Muskmelon)Corn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
Companion for CauliflowerOnions, beets, celeryStrawberries
Companion for ChardOnions, beans, beetsPotatoes
Companion for ChivesCarrots, tomatoes, lettucePeas
Companion for CilantroLettuce, tomatoes, onionsFennel
Companion for Collard GreensBeets, peppers, onionsPotatoes
Companion for GarlicBeets, carrots, lettucePeas, beans
Companion for Herbs (General)Most vegetables (except some beans)
Companion for KaleBeets, onions, celeryPotatoes
Companion for KohlrabiBeets, onions, lettucePotatoes
Companion for LeeksCarrots, beets, strawberriesPotatoes
Companion for OkraCorn, beans (Bush), basilPotatoes
Companion for ParsleyTomatoes, carrots, beetsFennel
Companion for ParsnipsCabbage, lettuce, tomatoesPotatoes
Companion for Peas (Snap)Carrots, lettuce, radishesOnions, garlic
Companion for PumpkinsCorn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
Companion for RutabagaBeets, onions, lettucePotatoes
Companion for ShallotsBeets, carrots, lettucePeas
Companion for Snow PeasCarrots, lettuce, radishesOnions, garlic
Companion for Swiss ChardBeets, onions, lettucePotatoes
Companion for Sweet CornBeans (Bush), melons, squashTomatoes, potatoes
Companion for Sweet PotatoesBeans (Bush), marigoldsPotatoes
Companion for Swiss ChardOnions, beans, beetsPotatoes
Companion for TarragonTomatoes, peppers, lettuceFennel
Companion for ThymeMost vegetables (except some beans)
Companion for TomatoesBasil, carrots, onionsPotatoes, peppers, eggplant
Companion for TurnipsBeets, onions, lettucePotatoes
Companion for WatermelonsCorn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
Companion for Winter SquashCorn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
Companion for ZucchiniCorn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
Companion for ArugulaRadishes, lettuce, strawberriesFennel
Companion for Eggplant (dwarf varieties)Peppers, marigolds, alyssumPotatoes, tomatoes
Companion for Fennel (bulb)Beets, carrots, lettuceTomatoes, potatoes
Companion for Fennel (herb)Most vegetables (due to strong scent)
Companion for GrapesBeans, peas, certain herbs (thyme, rosemary)Tomatoes
Companion for Leeks (late season)Strawberries, spinachPotatoes
Companion for Lettuce (heading)Radishes, carrots, beetsPotatoes
Companion for Lettuce (leaf)Beets, carrots, radishesPotatoes
Companion for MarigoldsMost vegetables (deters pests)
Companion for NasturtiumsMost vegetables (deters pests)
Companion for OreganoTomatoes, beans, peppersPotatoes
Companion for PeanutsCorn, beans (Bush)Potatoes
Companion for Radishes (summer)Beans (Bush), lettuce, spinachPotatoes
Companion for RaspberriesGrapes, certain herbs (mint)Tomatoes, nightshades
Companion for RosemaryBeans, cabbage, carrotsPotatoes
Companion for SageCarrots, cabbage, onionsCucumbers, melons
Companion for StrawberriesSpinach, lettuce, garlicPotatoes, peppers
Companion for SunflowersCorn, beans (Bush), cucumbersPotatoes
Companion for Swiss Chard (early season)Peas, radishes, lettucePotatoes
Companion for Tomatoes (cherry)Basil, marigolds, alyssumPotatoes, peppers (except cherry)
Companion for WatercressLettuce, spinach, radishesPotatoes
Companion for WheatLegumes (beans, peas)Most vegetables
Companion for Arugula (late season)Spinach, beets, lettuceFennel
Companion for BlackberryComfrey, certain herbs (chamomile)Nightshades (tomatoes, peppers, eggplant)
Companion for BlueberryAzaleas, rhododendrons (acid-loving plants)Most vegetables
Companion for Chinese Cabbage (Bok Choy)Onions, leeks, celeryStrawberries
Companion for DillCucumbers, beans (Bush), lettuceFennel
Companion for HorseradishBeets, potatoes, beansTomatoes
Companion for Leeks (early season)Carrots, beets, cabbagePotatoes
Companion for MintMost vegetables (due to invasive growth)
Companion for Mustard GreensBeets, radishes, lettucePotatoes
Companion for Pumpkins (winter squash)Corn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
Companion for Rutabaga (swede)Beets, onions, lettucePotatoes
Companion for Shallots (early season)Strawberries, spinachPeas
Companion for SorrelBeets, strawberries, lettucePotatoes
Companion for Spinach (Asian greens)Radishes, lettuce, mustard greensPotatoes
Companion for Strawberries (everbearing)Garlic, chives, lettucePotatoes, peppers
Companion for Thyme (creeping)Most vegetables (deters pests)
Companion for Turnips (greens)Radishes, beets, lettucePotatoes
Companion for Watermelons (seedless)Corn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
Companion for Winter SavoryBeans, cabbage, onionsPotatoes
Companion for Leeks (summer)Carrots, beets, celeryPotatoes
Companion for Kohlrabi (early season)Radishes, lettuce, spinachPotatoes
Companion for Delicata SquashCorn, beans (Bush), nasturtiumsPotatoes
Companion for Garlic ChivesTomatoes, strawberries, lettuceFennel
Companion flowerMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Cosmos
Companion flower for tomatoesMarigolds, Nasturtiums, BorageKohlrabi, Potatoes
Companion flowers for beansMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Borage
Companion flowers for blueberriesRhododendrons, Azaleas, Lingonberries
Companion flowers for broccoliNasturtiums, Dill, ChamomileTomatoes, Strawberries
Companion flowers for carrotsChives, Onions, LeeksDill, Parsley
Companion flowers for cucumbersNasturtiums, Marigolds, SunflowersAromatic herbs
Companion flowers for grapesLavender, Yarrow, ChivesRadishes, Mustard
Companion flowers for herbsChives, Dill, Cilantro
Companion flowers for lettuceChives, Marigolds, Nasturtiums
Companion flowers for onionsChamomile, Alliums, BeetsPeas, Beans
Companion flowers for peasCarrots, Radishes, CucumbersOnions, Garlic
Companion flowers for peppersMarigolds, Basil, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion flowers for potatoesHorseradish, Tansy, MarigoldsTomatoes, Cucumbers
Companion flowers for rhubarbChives, Garlic, Onions
Companion flowers for rosesGarlic, Chives, Nasturtiums
Companion flowers for squashNasturtiums, Borage, MarigoldsPotatoes, Onions
Companion flowers for strawberriesBorage, Thyme, SpinachCabbage, Broccoli
Companion flowers for sunflowersMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Cosmos
Companion flowers for vegetable gardenMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Borage
Companion for asparagusTomatoes, Parsley, BasilOnions, Garlic
Companion for beansCarrots, Cucumbers, PotatoesOnions, Garlic
Companion for beetsOnions, Garlic, LettucePole beans, Field mustard
Companion for broccoliBasil, Chamomile, DillStrawberries, Tomatoes
Companion for cornBeans, Squash, CucumbersTomatoes, Melons
Companion for cucumberBeans, Corn, PeasAromatic herbs
Companion for garlicRoses, Beets, CarrotsPeas, Beans
Companion for kaleNasturtiums, Dill, ThymeStrawberries, Tomatoes
Companion for lettuceCarrots, Radishes, Strawberries
Companion for okraEggplant, Peppers, Basil
Companion for onionsBeets, Carrots, LettucePeas, Beans
Companion for peasCarrots, Radishes, CucumbersOnions, Garlic
Companion for peppersBasil, Tomatoes, MarjoramBeans, Kohlrabi
Companion for potatoesBeans, Corn, CabbageTomatoes, Cucumbers
Companion for rosesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion for squashCorn, Beans, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion for strawberriesLettuce, Spinach, BorageCabbage, Broccoli
Companion for sunflowersMarigolds, Nasturtiums, CosmosPotatoes, Beans
Companion for vegetable gardenMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Borage
Companion planting garlicRoses, Beets, CarrotsPeas, Beans
Companion planting guideMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Borage
Companion planting potatoesBeans, Corn, CabbageTomatoes, Cucumbers
Companion planting tomatoesBasil, Marigolds, NasturtiumsCorn, Kohlrabi
Companion growingMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Borage
Companion growing chartMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Borage
Companion growing guideMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Borage
Companion growing vegetablesMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Borage
Companion herb plantingChives, Dill, Cilantro
Companion herbs for basilChives, Dill, Cilantro
Companion herbs for carrotsChives, Dill, Cilantro
Companion herbs for cucumbersChives, Dill, Cilantro
Companion herbs for lettuceChives, Dill, Cilantro
Companion herbs for mintChives, Dill, Cilantro
Companion herbs for peasChives, Dill, Cilantro
Companion herbs for peppersChives, Dill, Cilantro
Companion herbs for rosemaryChives, Dill, Cilantro
Companion herbs for squashChives, Dill, Cilantro
Companion herbs for tomatoesChives, Dill, Cilantro
Companion house plantsFerns, Spider plants, Snake plants
Companion houseplantsFerns, Spider plants, Snake plants
Companion kaleNasturtiums, Dill, ThymeStrawberries, Tomatoes
Companion peasCarrots, Radishes, CucumbersOnions, Garlic
Companion planningMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Borage
Companion plant brassicasChamomile, Dill, HyssopStrawberries, Tomatoes
Companion plant butternut squashNasturtiums, Oregano, MarigoldsPotatoes, Pumpkins
Companion plant calendulaTomatoes, Asparagus, Beans
Companion plant corianderAnise, Dill, Cilantro
Companion plant cornBeans, Squash, PotatoesTomatoes, Melons
Companion plant dillCabbage, Lettuce, Onions
Companion plant eggplantBeans, Peppers, SpinachPotatoes, Tomatoes
Companion plant fennelDill, Cilantro, SageTomatoes, Beans
Companion plant for
Companion plant for avocado treeBeans, Peas, Spinach
Companion plant for broad beansPotatoes, Corn, Tomatoes
Companion plant for brussel sproutsNasturtiums, Sage, ThymeStrawberries, Tomatoes
Companion plant for butternut squashNasturtiums, Oregano, MarigoldsPotatoes, Pumpkins
Companion plant for chamomileCabbage, Onions, Basil
Companion plant for collardsNasturtiums, Dill, ThymeStrawberries, Tomatoes
Companion plant for dahliasMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Salvia
Companion plant for dillCabbage, Lettuce, Onions
Companion plant for echinaceaBasil, Lavender, MarigoldsPotatoes, Cucumbers
Companion plant for fennelDill, Cilantro, SageTomatoes, Beans
Companion plant for fig treeLavender, Marigolds, Nasturtiums
Companion plant for gingerGarlic, Turmeric, Basil
Companion plant for grapesGarlic, Nasturtiums, Chives
Companion plant for green beansCorn, Potatoes, BeetsOnions, Garlic
Companion plant for green onionsChamomile, Carrots, Tomatoes
Companion plant for hibiscusNasturtiums, Marigolds, Hibiscus
Companion plant for hot peppersBasil, Marigolds, NasturtiumsFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plant for kaleNasturtiums, Dill, ThymeStrawberries, Tomatoes
Companion plant for leeksCarrots, Celery, OnionsBeans, Peas
Companion plant for lemon treeBasil, Chamomile, Dill
Companion plant for lemongrassMarigolds, Basil, Lavender
Companion plant for lettuceCarrots, Radishes, Strawberries
Companion plant for melonsCorn, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion plant for mintCabbage, Tomatoes, PeasParsley, Thyme
Companion plant for nasturtiumCabbage, Squash, TomatoesPotatoes, Onions
Companion plant for okraEggplant, Peppers, Basil
Companion plant for olive treeLavender, Marigolds, Nasturtiums
Companion plant for onionBeets, Carrots, LettucePeas, Beans
Companion plant for oreganoTomatoes, Peppers, Basil
Companion plant for parsleyTomatoes, Asparagus, Carrots
Companion plant for passionfruitBeans, Marigolds, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion plant for peasCarrots, Radishes, CucumbersOnions, Garlic
Companion plant for peonyBasil, Chives, Lavender
Companion plant for pole beansCorn, Potatoes, RadishesOnions, Garlic
Companion plant for potted lemon treeBasil, Chamomile, Dill
Companion plant for pumpkinCorn, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion plant for radishBeans, Peas, Nasturtiums
Companion plant for raspberriesNasturtiums, Marigolds, GarlicPotatoes, Onions
Companion plant for rhubarbBeans, Cabbage, NasturtiumsKohlrabi, Potatoes
Companion plant for rosemaryBeans, Cabbage, CarrotsCucumbers, Potatoes
Companion plant for sageRosemary, Basil, Thyme
Companion plant for snow peasBeans, Cucumbers, PotatoesOnions, Garlic
Companion plant for spinachStrawberries, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion plant for star jasmineLavender, Marigolds, Nasturtiums
Companion plant for sunflowersMarigolds, Nasturtiums, CosmosPotatoes, Beans
Companion plant for sweet peppersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plant for sweet potatoBeans, Nasturtiums, Marigolds
Companion plant for swiss chardCabbage, Onions, Peppers
Companion plant for thymeRosemary, Sage, Lavender
Companion plant for tomatilloBeans, Cilantro, Marigolds
Companion plant for turnipsPeas, Beans, Nasturtiums
Companion plant for watermelonCorn, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion plant gingerGarlic, Turmeric, Basil
Companion plant green beansCorn, Potatoes, BeetsOnions, Garlic
Companion plant melonCorn, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion plant nasturtiumCabbage, Squash, TomatoesPotatoes, Onions
Companion plant passionfruitBeans, Marigolds, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion plant peasCarrots, Radishes, CucumbersOnions, Garlic
Companion plant peonyBasil, Chives, Lavender
Companion plant pole beansCorn, Potatoes, RadishesOnions, Garlic
Companion plant potted lemon treeBasil, Chamomile, Dill
Companion plant pumpkinCorn, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion plant radishBeans, Peas, Nasturtiums
Companion plant raspberriesNasturtiums, Marigolds, GarlicPotatoes, Onions
Companion plant rhubarbBeans, Cabbage, NasturtiumsKohlrabi, Potatoes
Companion plant rosemaryBeans, Cabbage, CarrotsCucumbers, Potatoes
Companion plant sageRosemary, Basil, Thyme
Companion plant snow peasBeans, Cucumbers, PotatoesOnions, Garlic
Companion plant spinachStrawberries, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion plant star jasmineLavender, Marigolds, Nasturtiums
Companion plant sunflowersMarigolds, Nasturtiums, CosmosPotatoes, Beans
Companion plant sweet peppersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plant sweet potatoBeans, Nasturtiums, Marigolds
Companion plant swiss chardCabbage, Onions, Peppers
Companion plant thymeRosemary, Sage, Lavender
Companion plant tomatilloBeans, Cilantro, Marigolds
Companion plant turnipsPeas, Beans, Nasturtiums
Companion plant watermelonCorn, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting asparagus and strawberriesBasil, Nasturtiums, Parsley
Companion planting asparagus strawberriesBasil, Nasturtiums, Parsley
Companion planting beets and carrotsBush beans, Brassicas, OnionsPole beans, Mustard
Companion planting blueberries strawberriesLettuce, Radishes, Sage
Companion planting broad beansCorn, Potatoes, Tomatoes
Companion planting butternut squashCorn, Radishes, MarigoldsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting carrots and tomatoesOnions, Chives, LeeksDill, Parsley
Companion planting carrots in containersRadishes, Peas, Lettuce
Companion planting chart celeryBeans, Corn, Cabbage
Companion planting chart for flowersBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting chart for fruitGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting chart printableBeans, Corn, Cabbage
Companion planting cosmosTomatoes, Zinnias, Sunflowers
Companion planting cucumbers and tomatoesNasturtiums, Radishes, Dill
Companion planting dahliasCorn, Marigolds, Nasturtiums
Companion planting dill and tomatoesCabbage, Lettuce, Onions
Companion planting edu
Companion planting examplesBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting farmers almanacGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting fig treeLavender, Marigolds, Nasturtiums
Companion planting flowersBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting flowers and vegBeans, Corn, Cabbage
Companion planting flowers with vegetablesCabbage, Lettuce, Onions
Companion planting for artichokesMint, Garlic, Chives
Companion planting for beginnersBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting for bell peppersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion planting for blackberriesLettuce, Radishes, Sage
Companion planting for bok choyBasil, Lettuce, Radishes
Companion planting for brassicasChamomile, Dill, HyssopStrawberries, Tomatoes
Companion planting for broad beansPotatoes, Corn, Tomatoes
Companion planting for bush beansRadishes, Cabbage, Potatoes
Companion planting for cabbage wormsMint, Thyme, Sage
Companion planting for cantaloupeRadishes, Nasturtiums, MarigoldsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting for celeryBeans, Corn, Cabbage
Companion planting for citrus treesBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting for fennelBasil, Dill, Nasturtiums
Companion planting for fruit treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting for gingerBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting for green beansCorn, Potatoes, BeetsOnions, Garlic
Companion planting for kohlrabiBeans, Nasturtiums, Marigolds
Companion planting for mintBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting for parsleyBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting for parsnipsBeans, Nasturtiums, Marigolds
Companion planting for pole beansCorn, Potatoes, RadishesOnions, Garlic
Companion planting for radishesBeans, Peas, Nasturtiums
Companion planting for rosemaryBeans, Cabbage, CarrotsCucumbers, Potatoes
Companion planting for sageRosemary, Basil, Thyme
Companion planting for spinachStrawberries, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting for squashCorn, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting for sunflowersMarigolds, Nasturtiums, CosmosPotatoes, Beans
Companion planting for sweet peppersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion planting for thymeRosemary, Sage, Lavender
Companion planting for tomatilloBeans, Cilantro, Marigolds
Companion planting for turnipsPeas, Beans, Nasturtiums
Companion planting for watermelonCorn, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting for zucchini and squashCabbage, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting gingerGarlic, Turmeric, Basil
Companion planting green onionsCarrots, Lettuce, NasturtiumsBeans, Peas
Companion planting guide chartBeans, Corn, Cabbage
Companion planting guide for vegetablesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting herbs and vegetablesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting herbs in potsBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting hot peppersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion planting houseplantsBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting hydrangeasLavender, Marigolds, Nasturtiums
Companion planting ideasBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting in containersBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting in grow bagsBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting in potsBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting jerusalem artichokesBeans, Nasturtiums, Marigolds
Companion planting kohlrabiBeans, Nasturtiums, Marigolds
Companion planting lavender vegetableGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting leekBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting lemongrassBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting marigolds and tomatoesBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting onions and carrotsBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting onions and garlicBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting onions and tomatoesBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting pak choiBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting parsnipBeans, Nasturtiums, Marigolds
Companion planting passionfruitBeans, Marigolds, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting peanutsCorn, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting peas and tomatoesCarrots, Radishes, CucumbersOnions, Garlic
Companion planting peppers and tomatoesBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion planting planBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting potatoes and onionsBeans, Nasturtiums, Marigolds
Companion planting purple sprouting broccoliCorn, Radishes, MarigoldsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting raspberries and blueberriesNasturtiums, MarigoldsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting rocketBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting romaine lettuceStrawberries, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting rosemary and lavenderBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting scallionsBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting shallotsBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting snap peasBeans, Cucumbers, PotatoesOnions, Garlic
Companion planting spring onionsBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting square foot gardenBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting squash and tomatoesCorn, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting sweet cornBeans, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting sweet peasBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting sweet peppersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion planting tableBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting to deter pestsBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting to prevent squash bugsCorn, Radishes, MarigoldsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting tomatoes and peppersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion planting treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting under olive treeLavender, Marigolds, Nasturtiums
Companion planting vegBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting veggie gardenBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting west coast seedsBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion planting with apple treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting with blackberriesLettuce, Radishes, Sage
Companion planting with borageGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting with brassicasChamomile, Dill, HyssopStrawberries, Tomatoes
Companion planting with broccoliBeans, Cabbage, CarrotsCucumbers, Potatoes
Companion planting with brussel sproutsBeans, Cabbage, CarrotsCucumbers, Potatoes
Companion planting with bush beansRadishes, Cabbage, Potatoes
Companion planting with cauliflowerBeans, Cabbage, CarrotsCucumbers, Potatoes
Companion planting with dahliasCorn, Marigolds, Nasturtiums
Companion planting with eggplantBeans, Cabbage, CarrotsCucumbers, Potatoes
Companion planting with fennelBasil, Dill, Nasturtiums
Companion planting with grapesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting with green beansCorn, Potatoes, BeetsOnions, Garlic
Companion planting with kaleBeans, Cabbage, CarrotsCucumbers, Potatoes
Companion planting with leeksBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting with nasturtiumCabbage, Squash, TomatoesPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting with parsleyBasil, Chives, Marigolds
Companion planting with pumpkinsCorn, Radishes, MarigoldsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting with radishesBeans, Peas, Nasturtiums
Companion planting with spinachStrawberries, Radishes, NasturtiumsPotatoes, Onions
Companion planting with tomatoes and peppersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion planting yarrowChamomile, Dill, HyssopStrawberries, Tomatoes
Companion planting zinniasBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants brassicasChamomile, Dill, HyssopStrawberries, Tomatoes
Companion plants brussel sproutsBeans, Cabbage, CarrotsCucumbers, Potatoes
Companion plants chivesBasil, Dill, CorianderBeans, Peas
Companion plants comBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for acorn squashCorn, Radishes, MarigoldsPotatoes, Onions
Companion plants for agapanthusChamomile, Lavender, Sage
Companion plants for almond treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for aloe veraLavender, Sage, Thyme
Companion plants for alyssumMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for amaranthCorn, Radishes, MarigoldsPotatoes, Onions
Companion plants for apricot treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for arborvitaeGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for asiatic liliesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for astersMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for bachelor buttonsMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for bambooGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for bamboo forumGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for barberry shrubsChamomile, Dill, HyssopStrawberries, Tomatoes
Companion plants for beets and carrotsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for begonias in potsMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for bell peppers in containersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for bird of paradiseBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for black eyed peasMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for black eyed susansMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for bleeding heartsMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for blueberries in containersGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for bottlebrushGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for bougainvilleaLavender, Sage, Thyme
Companion plants for broccoli and cauliflowerBeans, Cabbage, CarrotsCucumbers, Potatoes
Companion plants for cabbage and broccoliBeans, Cabbage, CarrotsCucumbers, Potatoes
Companion plants for calendulaMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for calla liliesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for canna liliesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for cannasGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for carnivorous plantsMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for carrots and beetsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for catnipGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for celeriacGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for cherry tomatoesBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for chili peppersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for citronellaMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for citrus in potsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for clematis in potsLavender, Sage, Thyme
Companion plants for climbing rosesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for collard greensBeans, Cabbage, CarrotsCucumbers, Potatoes
Companion plants for columbineMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for comfreyChamomile, Dill, HyssopStrawberries, Tomatoes
Companion plants for coneflowersMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for coral bellsMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for coreopsisMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for crape myrtleGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for creeping phloxMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for cucamelonsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for cucumbers and tomatoesBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for cucumbers in containersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for currantsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for daffodilsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for dahlias in containersCorn, Marigolds, Nasturtiums
Companion plants for daisiesMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for david austin rosesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for dayliliesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for delphiniumMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for dianthusMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for dogwood treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for drift rosesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for edamameBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for eggplant in containersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for elderberryGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for elephant earsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for encore azaleasGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for evergreensGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for fava beansCorn, Radishes, MarigoldsPotatoes, Onions
Companion plants for fernsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for fiddle leaf figGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for figsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for foxglovesMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for foxtail fernGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for french beansRadishes, Cabbage, Potatoes
Companion plants for fuchsiaMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for gardeniasGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for garlic chivesBasil, Dill, CorianderBeans, Peas
Companion plants for geraniumsMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for geraniums in potsMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for gladiolusMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for goji berriesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for gourdsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for grape vinesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for grassesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for green giant arborvitaeGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for green peppersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for greensBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for ground cherriesMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for habanero peppersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for hardy geraniumsMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for heatherGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for helleboresGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for heucheraGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for hollyhocksMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for honeysuckleGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for hopsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for hostas and fernsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for hot peppersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for hydrangea limelightGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for hyssopChamomile, Dill, HyssopStrawberries, Tomatoes
Companion plants for impatiensMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for indoor ivyGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for irisGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for jalapenosBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for japanese mapleGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for japanese maple in containerGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for jasmineChamomile, Lavender, Sage
Companion plants for jerusalem artichokesBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for joe pye weedMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for kale and chardBeans, Cabbage, CarrotsCucumbers, Potatoes
Companion plants for kale and collardsBeans, Cabbage, CarrotsCucumbers, Potatoes
Companion plants for kinnikinnickGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for lambs earGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for lantanaMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for lemon balmBasil, Dill, CorianderBeans, Peas
Companion plants for lettuce in containersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for liatrisMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for lilacsMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for liliesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for lima beansCorn, Radishes, MarigoldsPotatoes, Onions
Companion plants for lime treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for liriopeGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for little lime hydrangeaGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for loofahGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for lovageGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for luffaGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for lupineMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for magnoliasGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for mandarin treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for mandevillaBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for mango treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for maple treeGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for monsteraGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for morning gloryMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for mulberry treeGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for mumsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for mustard greensBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for nandinaGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for ninebarkGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for oak treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for oakleaf hydrangeaGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for onions and leeksGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for orange treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for ornamental grassesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for pak choiBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for palm treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for pansiesMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for parsnipBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for pawpaw treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for peace lilyBasil, Dill, CorianderBeans, Peas
Companion plants for peach treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for pear treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for peas and beansBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for pecan treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for penstemonMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for peppermintBasil, Dill, CorianderBeans, Peas
Companion plants for peppers in containersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for persimmon treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for petuniasMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for phloxMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for pineappleGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for plum treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for pomegranateGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for potatoes in containersBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for purple hull peasBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for red twig dogwoodGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for rhododendronsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for rose of sharonGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for rosemary in potsBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for roses in potsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for rueBasil, Dill, CorianderBeans, Peas
Companion plants for runner beansRadishes, Cabbage, Potatoes
Companion plants for sage in potsBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for salviaMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for scallionsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for snapdragonsMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for snow peasBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for spinach in containersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for spireaGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for squash in containersBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for strawberries in containersBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for string beansRadishes, Cabbage, Potatoes
Companion plants for succulents in potsLavender, Sage, Thyme
Companion plants for sunflowersMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for sweet cornBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for sweet peasBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for sweet potatoesBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for swiss chardBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for thyme in potsBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for tomatoes in containersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for tulipsGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for turnips and rutabagasBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for veronicaMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for viburnumGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for vincaMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for wandering jewGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for watermelon in containersBeans, Cabbage, Radishes
Companion plants for weigelaGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for wisteriaGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for yarrowMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for zinniasMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for abeliaGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for abutilonMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for aconitumGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for african violetsMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for ajugaMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for alder treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for alliumBeans, Peas, CarrotsKohlrabi, Cabbage
Companion plants for alyssumMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for amaranthusMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for andromedaGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for anemoneGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for angeloniaMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for aniseCoriander, Dill, BasilFennel
Companion plants for apple treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for apricot treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for arborvitaeGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for arugulaBeans, Nasturtiums, Dill
Companion plants for ash treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for asterMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for astilbeGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for azaleasGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for bambooGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for baneberryGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for baptisiaGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for basil in potsMarjoram, Oregano, Thyme
Companion plants for bay laurelGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for beans in containersCabbage, Carrots, Radishes
Companion plants for beautyberryGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for beebalmMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for bee balmMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for begoniasMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for bell peppersBasil, Marjoram, OreganoFennel, Kohlrabi
Companion plants for bergeniaGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for betonyMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for birch treesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for blackberriesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for black-eyed susanMarigolds, Nasturtiums, Basil
Companion plants for bleeding heartGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for blueberriesGarlic, Chives, Marigolds
Companion plants for blueberries in containersBeans, Carrots, CabbageNone specifie

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